Day 16
Today begins the second half of the course – just 5 more lectures left (we don’t have class on Weds 1/15 – a “free” day for the students and we technically have class next Tues 1/21 but that is the day before the final exam and not real fair to ask students to integrate new material 24 hours before an exam) – I have other plans for that day! We began our discussion of amino acids, peptides, proteins, milk, cheese, and meat which we will finish tomorrow. Students used handheld models of amino acid to link into an octapeptide, then used foam models to fold a protein using side chain interactions then “denaturing” it. In preparation for the midterm tomorrow, I held a 2-hour study session 2-4 pm and 16/21 students showed up for some or all of it – great turnout! While I was in class, Brian climbed the Campanile of the Duomo (slightly shorter than the cupola) but he was one of only 6 people at the top. He got some great views of the city, and the Duomo, and he wrote a message on a “grafitti” tablet. J Again, we sampled pizza for lunch, tonight we dine at Casa Toscana in the Piazza Santa Croce (not too far from home).